This is all scrappy with fabric that was donated to our quilting group. The quilt is about 50" x 66" and will be donated to Encompass in September.This next quilt is still a WIP (work in progress). It is pinned and ready to be quilted which will start on Friday evening at our quilt group. I am still not sure how I will quilt it ...
The pattern is from the TreadleOn website and is really simple and goes together quickly --- making it a great charity quilt.
Speaking of TreadleOn --- did you know that I own a White treadle sewing machine? I have even used it to make a bunch of quilt squares that I exchanged with other "treadlers". Though they still sit in a nice little pile!As for knitting, madly cast on and finished a child's size 10/12 sweater for Afghans for Afghans. They had a "quick turnaround" campaign for sweaters, mitts, and socks. Done in about 8 days, whew!!
The pattern is from Margaret Hubert's book One Piece Knits that Fit. The yarn is Patons Classic Wool in wedgewood and size 4.5mm needles. Not a stunning sweater by any means, but should keep a child warm.And Roam is coming along veerrrrryyyyy ssslllooooowwllly ... just like a snail. It will get done eventually, it just seems like knitting for me gets put to the side to fill other needs. That's not a bad thing, just means that my stuff takes a long time to finish!
All the pieces are finished and sewn together, and now I am onto the hood. The end is near!
May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17