On Tuesdays I go to a knitting group at a local yarn shop. We knit hats and scarves for
Operation School Bell through the Assistance League. After knitting for an hour and a half or so we go for lunch. Since I'm a stay at home mom it's nice to be able to get out and meet with other women of like craftiness to chat about life. Currently I'm working on a scarf.

Last week I gave in a bought the baby knitting book
60 Quick Baby Knits from the LYS. It has such adorable patterns for newborn up to 24 month size though I think some of the items would fit much larger toddlers. Of course I put all the other projects I was working on aside and had to knit the sweater pattern on the cover. And also this cute hat.

Of course I then proceeded to cast on for another baby sweater with some fair isle on the bottom of it. Both the sweater and hat pictured are going to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.
On the quilting front I'm working on a quilt by McKenna Ryan called
Faith, Hope, and Love. It is so pretty. One day it will be finished!