Finally, pictures of the socks I know you have been waiting for ... or did you forget that I promised pictures. I almost forgot so I am sure you have!! They are knit with Panda Wool (wool and bamboo) on two 2.25mm circs, two at a time. I made the pattern up based on the article by Anne Budd in the Summer Interweave Knits magazine. You can find a
similar sock pattern designed by Wendy.

And while I was out taking sock pictures there was a pretty butterfly that was having a snack on our butterfly bush. Isn't she pretty!

On another note, a wonderful gal at our church is pregnant and will be having quadruplets (yup you read right, 4 babies) in November. The church is having a baby shower for her the middle of August and I decided yesterday that I would knit some (4 to be exact) preemie sweaters and hats for her. Nothing like leaving things to the last minute!! She is not telling what the sex of the babies are .... so I figure if I knit 2 boys and 2 girls outfits then the most I would have to knit once they are born is two more ... and I know a wonderful charity that would accept the extra two. Am I crazy or what !?! No, don't answer that LOL!!

One limit I put on this is that I need to knit these from my stash --- now you have to understand that my stash is not that big compared to others out in blog land (though my DH would disagree) so the 4 outfits will all be out of different yarn and be different patterns. To tie them together I am using the same buttons on all four. Here's the first one started. The pattern is from
Patons Early Arrival leaflet and James C. Brett Kool Kotton machine washable, DK yarn.
Still working on the Notre Dame De Grace pullover. The back is done and I am now working on the front. Pictures next time!
And I finished a baby quilt for
HAIN. Pictures of that next time too ....