After all the hype last week of a major snow event we finally received a significant amount yesterday. At our house we have 9" when I checked last night. It was still snowing then so we may have a bit more than that now. It's nice powdery snow - not the wet slushy stuff we usually get - which means it's cold. Only 23 this morning and supposed to be even colder tonight. Now I know for a lot of you that's not cold, but here in Western Washington it's cold!
This is me, our Golden Retriever Rio and our Shitzu/Poodle Benji. I don't think I ever posted a picture of
Sheep and Wool hat I knit last month, but here it is being used!

I have a couple of quilt pictures for you. The first - Starry Nights - was a
Planet Patchwork free block of the month quilt that they had probably 3 or 4 years ago. Of course I changed it. I didn't like the middle of their quilt so I did my own paper pieced and appliqued star. It's a little small for a queen size bed but I like how it turned out.

The second quilt is one I am working on - or planning to work on that is. The top is finished, it's basted and ready to quilt. The problem is it's huge (96" x 92") and a little daunting. I'm also not sure how I'm going to quilt it. I designed the pattern in EQ6 and it's almost all 1/2 square triangles - yikes! Can you tell that teal and purples are my favourite colours? And I used almost all fabric from my stash (except for the white and one of the borders), yippee! Unfortunately it didn't seem to make a dent in the stash - how many quilts can you make from stash fabric anyway?!?

On the knitting front, I have too many projects "on the needles" again. Seems like almost every time I post I've started something new!
Every Tuesday we have a charity group that meets at
Cultured Purls in Issaquah to knit for
Operation School Bell. A couple of weeks ago we were there and the owner brought this basket of knit fabric to us and told us that this was to make socks. What a cool idea - I just needed to try it out. Flat Feet is a fun way to knit socks. You purchase the preknit fabric that is hand painted, unravel one end, and start knitting your socks. Here is the fabric I bought (teals and purple again) and the first sock knit up. What makes it fun it you have no idea what the colour patterning on the sock will look like until you start knitting. Of course I couldn't wait to start!
Also on the needles .....
* Baby sweater for a friend. Working on the last sleeve so should be done by next post.
* Adult sweater for charity. Working on the colour work at the bottom of the body and then need to knit the sleeves.
* Scarf for
The Bridge Project. This is a project that Sandy started a few weeks ago. Her goal is to have 100 hats and scarves for the homeless in her area. Great idea Sandy!!
* Anemore gloves. Both the hands are knit and am working on the fingers. I think I will make mittens next time!
* And not started yet, but my daughter really wants a pair of these -
Knucks - with the letters CRE8 LOVE on the fingers. Maybe next winter.
I also want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy the holidays with your family and friends. Until 2009 ....