Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. Colossians 3:23-24
3. Sew the rows into a 12 1/2" block.
4. Sew 4 blocks together then sew the rows of blocks together to make the quilt top. Using the picture of the quilt above for guidance.
5. Add the border.
6. Layer, quilt and bind your quilt.
Sunday, October 15th is a day to remember all the babies that have died before they should have. Everyone is asked to light a candle at 7pm to remember the little ones who have passed on and to support their grieving families.
I am one of the mom's who has lost an infant before her time. Our first daughter Brianna Elizabeth passed away when she was 5 1/2 months old. It is so unnatural for parents to outlive their children, but there are many, many families in this situation. I believe that knitting, sewing, and quilting items for families in need is my way of healing my broken heart. Please consider using your talents to help a grieving family by making any item for a charity. Heavenly Angels In Need and Newborns In Need are two charities that donate burial items to hospitals.Now I really need to make a baby bunting out of fleece and send it off with directions to Kathy. She had asked for a sample and that seems to be what is holding me up. So off to create one and mail it off. Kathy, thanks for being so patient!
On the quilting front I am working on quilting a top that was given to me for charity. The lady who made it doesn't like to quilt so she gives me her tops. I figure since it is for charity I will quilt them ... it is not my most favorite part of making a quilt as my DH can attest to. He always gives me a bad time about all the quilt tops I have around unfinished! Oh to be perfect and only start and finish one item at a time!