Again, not much new on the crafting front. I received (from my wonderful husband) the flu bug on Friday and am just today feeling more like myself. Yippeee for that but booo for not being able to do much knitting or sewing ... just didn't feel like doing anything but sit on the couch!

On the knitting front, I did finish the white preemie blanket and the boys outfit. Just need to sew the seams and weave in the ends so next time I will post a picture of those. And I cast on another top down, seamless baby sweater using James C. Brett yarn. This time in the Denim colourway. Love that yarn -- even if it is acrylic! Check for a picture next time --- hope to finish it on our women's retreat this weekend!
One last thing ... do you like to listen to music while you craft. Marilee on the WASIQ email group posted a link to Pandora Internet Radio. You can set up your own radio station based on a song or artist. You do need to sign up, but for now it is free. Very cool if your computer is near where you like to craft!