Another finished object ... yippee!! I finished up the toddler sweater today and am so happy that it is done. I think I will send it to the Dulaan Project when I have a few more things made for them. I would like to make a hat to go with the sweater, but first I need to finish off some other projects.
And I get my sewing machine back today. Apparently I did something to the hook so it needed to be replaced to the tune of $100 - ouch! And I had it serviced so that was a few more $$ spent on that. I probably won't be buying any more crafting stuff for a while since I had to spend so much on the sewing machine. Though if you saw my sewing room you would wonder what on earth I would need to buy since I pretty much have at least one of everything (that is what DH would say but we all know the truth - ha, ha).
I am going to work on that Psychedelic Square Afghan that I started months ago in baby colours. All the squares need to be sewn together, ends woven in, and then some kind of border added. I am thinking a simple garter stitch border so that I can call it done. I will not start anything new, I will not start anything new, I will not start anything new!!!!