Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. Colossians 3:23-24
Friday, December 21, 2007
Still Here
Til then, I wish each and every one of you a Very Merry Christmas and may you keep Christ at the center of you celebrations.
Check out this video --- Christmas With a Capital C ---
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Knitting Projects
Last week I told you about the quilting I had been doing. The Treasure Trove quilt has it's blocks sewn into rows and that is where it sits for now. I attend a crafting for charity group on Friday evening so maybe I will take it and try to get the top finished.

Pattern: Seamless Yoked Baby Sweater by Carole Barenys
Yarn: LionBrand Babysoft
Needles: 3.5mm

Pattern: Ribbed Shrug from the Fall 2007 Knit Simple Magazine.
Yarn: Bernat Softee Baby
Needles: 3.25mm

Pattern: Roam from Knitty
Yarn: Berroco Ultra Alpaca in Denim
Neeldles: 4mm

Pattern: Patons Early Arrivals Raglan Cardi
Yarn: Sirdar Snuggly 4 ply (fingering)
Needles: 2.75mm and 3.25mm
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I will update you on my knitting stuff next time!
Breast Cancer Awareness MonthSince October is Breast Cancer Awareness month would you go to the Breast Cancer Site and "click" to help donate free mammograms to women in need. If they reach their goal their sponsor will donate an additional 150 mammograms. Thanks!!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
More Yarn and Projects

The Fana Mittens are done -- yeah!!! I am not sure why it took me so long to finish. Maybe because I had other projects going that were more interesting ?!? Now that the mitts are finished, my package is being sent to Afghans for Afghans on Monday. One pair of socks, one pair of mitts and a sweater.

I received a bag of yarn from a wonderful lady (thanks Paula) at Encompass. This is the organization that Caring for Communities (the charity group I organize at our church) donates their kid sized quilts to. We just dropped off 23 quilts the middle of September. Paula is such a sweet gal that she picked up all this yarn for our group to use for charity.

Of course I couldn't just let it sit around and wait --- so I cast on for a blanket. There are 8 skeins of the beige (called bisque on the label) which should be plenty for a crib sized blanket.
I found this really cute sweater pattern on the Lion Brand website called Standout Stripes and am using it for the blanket. It will go to HAIN's Childrens Division when it's done.
The Roam sweater is coming along. I am almost finished the sleeves. And I really like how the garter stitch V pattern is turning out. Lots of texture!
And I have turned the heal on the first of my daughters socks. So knitting is happening :-)
Friday, September 28, 2007
More New Projects

Yarn: Fleece Artist Merino in colour Lily Pond
Needles: 2.25mm for ribbing and 2.75mm for pattern
Pattern: Embossed Leaves from Favorite Socks
This yarn is so soft though not machine washable so I will need to be careful not to felt them!!
I did not finish the Fana mittens. I don't know why I can't just buckle down and finish them ... only have the thumb of one mitt left and then weaving in the ends of the same mitten. I need to get my package off to Afghans for Afghans soon so finished pictures will probably be posted next time.

Last post I said I was going to start Roam and I did. This sweater is knit in seed stitch which I was not going to do. I am a "thrower" when I knit and the thought of all those p1, k1 stitches just did me in!! I went through a stitch dictionary I have (The Harmony Guide To Knitting Stitches) and chose a pattern called Garter Slip Stitch Version 5. This pattern has 2 rows of plain knitting, 1 row of k1, sl1 and then one row of k1, yf, sl1, yb on the wrong side. Much faster to work for this knitter and it is a 2+1 stitch pattern which is the same as the seed stitch. Currently working the sleeves (both at once).
Yarn: Berrocco Ultra Alpaca in colour Denim
Needles: 4.0mm
Pattern: Roam from Knitty.com

Yarn: Regia 4ply in bright pink, yellow, orange
Needles: 2.25mm for ribbing, 2.75mm for the rest.
Pattern: Heart from More Sensational Knitted Socks
We are currently having a thunder and lightening storm so I think I will get off the computer and knit for a while!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Feeling Better

I have finished two projects that I was working on and feel like my crafting life is a bit more under control.
My wonderful husband took me to a yarn shop in Seattle for our anniversary (12 years) and then out for Japanese food. We went to Weaving Works. This store has such a variety of yarns, fleece, spinning and weaving stuff, I could spend hours searching through everything.
What did I buy?!? 9 skeins of Berrocco's Ultra Alpaca to make Roam from Knitty.com . Roam is a hoodie sweater that has a zippered front. Pattern calls for DK yarn but since I knit tightly I thought I could get away with a worsted weight yarn. I haven't cast on yet because I want to finish my Fana Mittens first.

Yarn: Cotton Fleece from Brown Sheep Company
Colours: Pink-a-boo and Tea Rose
Needles: 3.75mm
Finished Size: 33" x 34"

Yarn: Elann's Peruvian Highland Worsted and Knit One Purl Two eyelash type yarn.
Colour: Dark Burgundy Heather (743) and Pink, Purple and Gold eyelash yarn.
Needles: 6.00mm and 3.75mm for I-Cord
Finished Size: 12" x 12"
Off to finish up my mittens for Afghans for Afghans and then cast on something for me! Happy Knitting!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Too Many Projects --- Acckkk!
I am sure my husband thinks I have lost my mind since every time he sees me I am knitting away on yet a different project. They will all get completed, right?!?!

I made up the pattern by casting on 74 sts and then using the Fibonacci system to work stripes. I really like how it turned out knit in Paton's Astra yarn and I want to design a pair of booties to go with it (after some other more pressing projects are finished or I need another quick fix of a completed item).

Remember this baby blanket that I started months ago? I started working on it again and think I need to finish 5 more pattern repeats to have it square. I am thinking of giving it to my friend who has adopted a baby girl at the beginning of the month!

And the Embossed Leaves socks which I am turning the heal on the second sock. Knit a couple of rows on that each day. No new picture!

I am using Softee Baby in a pink and white marl, 3.25mm needles and making size 3 months. To go with, I want to make Saartje's Booties.
Enough projects? Sure hope I can complete a couple before having the dreaded "new project bug" bite me again!!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
School Starts Today

Yarn: Jojoland Melody 2 strands together
Elann Peruvian Highland Wool
Needles: 4.5mm and 3.5mm
Pattern: From Margaret Hubert's Book One Piece Knits That Fit
Size: child 5/6
A very easy knit in one piece sweater!

One mitten complete. I really like how this turned out. I wasn't sure that my stranding would be "ok" but it looks fine to me. It was a bit tight when I changed from one needle to another, but I will need to concentrate on that for the next mitt. It is started and the check pattern is completed.
Yarn: Cascade 220 dark green and yellow
Needles: 3.5mm - 2 circulars
Pattern: Fana from Folk Mittens by Marcia Lewandowski
Friday, August 31, 2007
Ravelry Account
It has been a while since I last posted. We went camping for 3 days and then went to Penticton, BC Canada to visit my mom and dad and my sister and her family. We rode an historical train in Summerland one day, visited my grandma another and went to the beach. It was a great time!!

Friday, August 24, 2007
Check out this story about why she is selling Pokemon Cards on Ebay -- it's a good laugh!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Preemie Sweaters and Socks

What am I working on now?? Afghans for Afghans is requesting baby hats, socks, and blankets by September 21st as well as kids items sizes 8 - 18 (socks, hats, sweaters, vests, mitts) due by the same date. You can check out all the details on their website.

Finished is a pair of baby socks --- they really work up quickly with worsted weight yarn. The pattern is from North Country.
On the needles currently is a pair of kids socks using Cascade 220 100% wool. This yarn came from a freecycler -- thank you Amy!! She gave me 11 balls of Cascade220 in different colours as well as a sweaters worth of fishermans wool! I am set for a while!!
My sewing machine is feeling very sad lately since I haven't used it much. I have 3 quilts that need to be quilted so I may work on those. Two are baby size for HAIN and one is for a local low income preschool group.
The embossed leaves socks are coming along slowly. I have turned the heal on the first sock so am now on the last straight stretch to the end!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Embossed Leaves
Since the Notre Dame De Grace pullover is finished I decided to cast on something new. I borrowed the Favorite Socks book from our local library and absolutely love all the sock patterns. I ordered it from Amazon yesterday since I know I will use many of the patterns in the book. The embossed leaves sock is the first one to be cast on in Fleece Artist's basic merino sock yarn colour Lily Pond. I have almost two repeats of the pattern completed.
One more teeny tiny baby sweater finished. Only 5 more days to get the last one started and complete. I am sure I can do it --- nothing like pressure of a deadline to spur me on LOL! This preemie sweater is knit with white Bernat Softee Baby and blue Patons Astra. The pattern is from P2 Designs Checked Mates Cardigan. Patti has so many wonderful free newborn and preemie patterns on her website both knit and crochet.
And Mary from Heavenly Angels In Need (HAIN) has created this wonderful YouTube video about infant loss. Thanks Mary!!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
One More Sweater Down, Two More to Finish

Yarn: Elann's Peruvian Highland Chunky in colour spiced wine
Needles: 5mm circular needle
Pattern: Interweave Knits Summer 2007 - Notre Dame De Grace by Veronik Avery
I followed the pattern except knit the body (front and back) in one piece up to the arms.
Monday, July 30, 2007
FOs and Notre Dame De Grace Sweater

I am using Elann's Highland Chunky yarn in colour 727 - spiced wine, size 5mm needles and am making size 40. It is nice and roomy which is how I like my sweaters.

I am using Patons Early Arrival pattern leaflet and James C. Brett Kool Kotton.
I have started another "girls" sweater and will post a picture when I am a little further along.

It is 36" x 36" and has pretty floral flannel on the back.

Friday, July 27, 2007
Finally Sock Pictures

And while I was out taking sock pictures there was a pretty butterfly that was having a snack on our butterfly bush. Isn't she pretty!

On another note, a wonderful gal at our church is pregnant and will be having quadruplets (yup you read right, 4 babies) in November. The church is having a baby shower for her the middle of August and I decided yesterday that I would knit some (4 to be exact) preemie sweaters and hats for her. Nothing like leaving things to the last minute!! She is not telling what the sex of the babies are .... so I figure if I knit 2 boys and 2 girls outfits then the most I would have to knit once they are born is two more ... and I know a wonderful charity that would accept the extra two. Am I crazy or what !?! No, don't answer that LOL!!

One limit I put on this is that I need to knit these from my stash --- now you have to understand that my stash is not that big compared to others out in blog land (though my DH would disagree) so the 4 outfits will all be out of different yarn and be different patterns. To tie them together I am using the same buttons on all four. Here's the first one started. The pattern is from Patons Early Arrival leaflet and James C. Brett Kool Kotton machine washable, DK yarn.
Still working on the Notre Dame De Grace pullover. The back is done and I am now working on the front. Pictures next time!
And I finished a baby quilt for HAIN. Pictures of that next time too ....
Monday, July 23, 2007
Vacation Knitting

Since we arrived home I was overwhelmed with all the started (not finished) projects I have.

HAIN Newsletter -- the summer edition is out. There are free patterns and some wonderful articles.
Afghans for Afghans is requesting baby hats (10" to 15" circumference), baby socks (no booties), and blankets at least 40" x 30". Due date is September 2007.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggidy Jig
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
I finished the green panda wool socks, but you will have to wait for a picture since the camera is packed.

There are quite a few really nice sweaters in this magazine and a really great tutorial on toe-up socks by Ann Budd. Her charts are what I used for the green socks I just finished. The charts allow you to knit with a variety of yarn weights and sock sizes. Very handy!
Hope everyone has a wonderful few weeks!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
4th of July

And a cute puppy picture. This is before his haircut. I will try to post an "after haircut" shot soon! He's pretty shaggy here.

Creative Spiritz